As you all know, ive been doing my best to stay entertained up here. being that i would die if i just sat in the room all day, and missing my best friend so much she decided to come up and visit!! i also had to go to a play for my theatre class, which was fun. this weekend is the waterfall hike (if i remember to sign up tomorrow) and then next weekend if all goes well we are going to gardner webb to see victoria! and by we, i me the usually gang. anyways here are some pictures from the last week or so
pawprints for the game, heck yes
take like...30 of this picture where neither of our double chins were showing lol
metcalf and my band friends invited us to come watch the practice before the game and they wanted to meet rachel so i took her down there.
thats mo, metcalf, hellen keller, and liz from left to rigtht.
yaay football! yaay facing towards the sun sweating my ass off!! love it :-) niiice...mid sentence on this one lol
trying to take a picture facing the i was a little too excited. ok much better the one with the thumbs up if u can see
band taking the field BEN!! with the saxaphone...and a red haired girl from butler but i hated her so im gonna blow past that detail..
hottttieesss too much fun. notice how trhe staneds are emptying as we lose she had a good time
but ok, so we all went to this play together, got all dressed up..then we realized...we werent all sitting together...this is rebecca (aka the jew, that is how i will refer to her) sitting alone a few rows ahead of me. beth and nate...sitting in the way back maddie, shannon part 1, and alyisa sittinbg a few rows ahead of me but after act 1 we all sat together..this was me attempting to take a picture of the girls but nates big head goes over all of them me and my jew. gotta love it. you want us, you know it.
ran into our theatre teacher and he took this pic for us. pretty cute i think, just nate and a bunch of girls. this is pretty much the group minus shannon part 2 back at the dorm writtin her paper.
cute video my psychology teacher told me about, or atleast i think its cute! there is my week adventure in a nutshell.
cant wait to come home soon and see the family and everyone, dad i hope im making you proud by not driving and not coming home as often its the only reason why im doing it!! love you guys, and ill write again soon!
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