Tuesday, October 6, 2009

It's all going so fast

So I just realized I've only updated this thing twice in the past like..2 months or so.
So I guess people at home might be a little curious as to what I've been keepin myself busy with.
I gotta say there really isn't that much to do out here..good thing I got some fun friends

Like I said though..and I meant it! I know how to cook now. Just one more reminder for those non believers out there...cough*LINDSAY*cough cough

hmm Winston you're gonna laugh at this..how long would you guys guess popcorn goes in for??

Not 4 minutes.. haha..right George? Well atleast he didnt hide it behind the entertainment system!

I made my way up to APP to visit rachel and hobb, I'm so jealous of the apartment.

I experienced some revertigo..with my good friend STEWS.
aka...Michelle Stewart. Hadn't seeen her in forever so it was awesome.
..Those of you who don't know what "revertigo" is....watch How I Met Your Mother more.

I missed everyone alot. This is the longest I think I've ever gone without seeing my family and it kind of sucks so it was good to atleast see some familar faces.

Other than that nothin too special has been going on, just the usual random drives and hangin around campus. Though I am SO excited about our halloween costumes. That updates gonna be good.

Just hangin around with the usual awesome gang

Goofy girls.

and goofy George.
of course.
My mom sent in this..creative huh? Good Gawddd I MISS everyone at home so much!!

oh and sidebar... EVERYONE ON CAMPUS HAS A DOG.

Obviously none of us would get one anytime soon...but I saw a pug with a girl walkin on campus a week ago, and it made me think of my mom. Cuz she wants the pug...can u blame her?

Also it's gettin to be that time of year again....

I LOVE halloween.

We're gonna watch scary movies once a week..not really sure what the actual plan is for halloween but all I know is..its gonna be awesome.

So my fall break starts tomorrow and it's kinda weird I'm not coming home.

I miss everyone so much. By the time I make it home it would been 6 weeks since I've seen my family.

I'm really excited about New Jersey though, we are gonna have a great time and the update from that should be good as well.

24 years

and you're still that dorky couple you started as.

Love you guys

I'm taking a long weekend next weekend so I can come home and see everyone soon.
Then I have a big concert I'm going to with Rachel and I think Greyson?? I'm not too sure.

love you all,
miss you!
~The SamDawg~


robin said...

those were some BIG chickens..whoa..and the popcorn..deja voo all over again..I can hear the fire alarms..haha..miss you too and my other son george of course..love you both !

Sammy Stedem said...

haha no that was the pork i was making the chickens arent that big haha